Facts & Figures
Number of Volumes  13
Number of Issues  14
Number of Articles  136
Article View  18,178
PDF Download  37,550
View Per Article  133.66
PDF Download Per Article  276.1

Nuclear Sciences Scientific Journal (NSSJ) is a national and/or international refereed journal dedicated to publish the latest advancements in radioactive and nuclear elements that surround and affect us, or concerned with nuclear industries in addition to its related applications. It covers all the topics which include geology, mineralogy, geochemistry, geophysics, exploration, evaluation, leaching, extraction, separation, absorption, adsorption, concentration, purification, alloys and protection methods. It involves its presence in rocks, minerals, plants, water and human body. The aim of this journal is to record the latest findings and promote further researches in these realms. Scholars from all relevant academic fields are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts that describe the latest, state-of-the-art research results or innovations; for an extensive promotion of research and innovation. NSSJ welcomes erudite professors, professionals, research scholars to collaborate with us in two-dimensional ways; either "NSSJ Editorial Committee" or "NSSJ Member".

The journal is using CC BY-NC-SA license from Creative Commons.

Current Issue: Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024 

Geology, Petrography and Radioactivity of the Area between Wadi Dib and Wadi Mellaha, North Eastern Desert, Egypt

Pages 69-99

Hossam Anwar Khamis; Darweesh Mohamed El Kholy; Khairy Saad Zaki; Mohamed Mahmoud Said

Publication Information

The Scientific Society of Nuclear Materials Authority

Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor
Print ISSN

Indexing and Abstracting